Week In Review
Today my routine was a bit different than most Sundays. Normally I consider Sunday my day of rest, granted a few times I'll be caught doing laundry much to my mothers dismay. "Sunday is a day for the Lord" she'd say. A day to recoup from the busyness (or lack there of) from the week. A day where I sit in my too big jammies drinking coffee from my too big mug.
However, today I had to work and as I sat there making bouquet after bouquet (I'm a florist) I had my perfect Sunday Madness post thought out. Do you think now that I'm home and enjoying my cup of coffee I can remember anything I wanted to say? Not really. The mind is a funny thing (though I swear it's because I'm getting older!).
My week has been great! Though they normally are. I'm alive! I have two feet to carry me where I need to be, a heartbeat to keep me breathing and my loving family. What more do I need (besides a new lens for my camera :))?
Last Tuesday I started a course on Digital Photography because I wanted to get to know my equipment better. Being a self taught photographer is great and I enjoy learning as I go, but I'm also a hands on kind of person where I like to be shown and then see for myself what stuff does. I like to know that I am indeed correct in thinking (now knowing) that moving the dial this way will achieve this effect and moving it that will do something else. I don't want to be the photographer out on a shoot fiddling with the settings...hold it right there...almost got it...nope don't like it...smile....just one more second...know what I mean? Believe it or not within two hours (that's how long the course is per night) I actually did learn something, on my first night!! I'm over the moon to have a professional photographer teach me the tricks of the trade.
Sheena Wilkie is a professional photographer specializing in portraiture and my first night sitting in her home (she teaches outside of her home) I can remember thinking what am I doing here? I studied her lovely works of art displayed all over her house and I felt a sense of belonging. A feeling in the pit of my stomach you get when you know you're where you're supposed to be. It was overwhelming and my arms broke out in goosebumps I was so excited. I couldn't wait to get out there and show her what I already knew, and later apply what she had shown me.
It's a once a week course and I can hardly wait for Tuesdays to roll around.
I took my little camera (my little Canon Power Shot) out for some fun, I hadn't used that one in ages and I didn't feel like carting around my baby (my Nikon). It's funny how we consider our cameras our babies and we come up with all sorts of endearments for our equipment, it must be a photographer thing.
So here I am playing around with the Canon and trying to remember how to use it (it's quite literally been at least two years since I last touched it) but I did manage to get a decent shot of myself, I'm quite pleased.
I love going back and forth between the two cameras and seeing what each has to offer. I can't believe at one point I actually considered selling the Canon, blasphemy!
So anyway my week has been great. Always keeping busy and I made time to go to the gym which I'm super happy about since at my last WW (weight watchers) meeting I lost 2.9 lbs. Yay! Go gym go!!
*In order clockwise from top*
- I was playing around with make-up since I don't normally wear any, I'd prefer au naturel, but I thought it would be a neat photo op
- some of the make-up I was playing around with
- have I mentioned how much I LOVE cherry blossom trees?? Well I do!!
- a new book I'm reading and so far I'm loving it, it's my partner at the gym when I'm doing a less energetic workout
- I love trying new mud masks :)
- Family game night!!! :) I rule at Snakes and Ladders, though we always make up our own rules to add a bit of a twist :)
- playing with my baby (my Nikon)
- playing with my actual baby, Oreo :) she's a snuggle bug
- mmmmmm...fresh fruit!
- found my new color for my office :)
- a work in progress I'm working on for my son, Claymore
- relaxing at a nearby garden while practicing with my camera, practice makes perfect and then you practice some more :)
- my sons Cub car, he designed it himself, not bad!
- Tarja waiting for Dorin to finish school
I can't wait to see what next week has to offer! I love waking up each morning bright eyed and bushy tailed, taking a deep breath and starting my day one task (or chore) at a time. It's exciting to think of the possibilities that are out there waiting for us to find them :)
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